Managing related articles for an article

Related articles are a great way to help customers find the next step when reading or troubleshooting problems themselves.

First, find the article you want to manage related articles for from within the control panel.

Then click on the related articles tab.

Addding a related article

You can then pick a category from the current collection the article belongs to by clicking on the dropdown.

Next you simply click on the Add button and it will be added immediately.

You can see that the article is related under the related articles column.

Reordering related articles

When you have more than one related articles a new option will be visible which lets you drag and reorder them.

To reorder drag the move icon next to the article title you wish to move.

Removing a related article

There may be times when an article is no longer really related and needs to be removed from the list.

Simply click the Remove button next to the article you wish to remove and it will removed immediately.

You can see that the article is no longer related under the related articles column.

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